
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa Claus is coming to Town

We took Allie to see Santa Claus last night at the library here and she actually sat on his lap. She couldn't say a word so I had to tell Santa what she wanted (a big girl snow white doll) while she sat there and batted her eyes at him. She was so excited all day and couldn't wait for everyone to get home so we could go and then when we got there that all changed she was speechless. The kids had to follow footsteps around to get to santa and everytime there was a corner she'd stop and peek around the corner first with her hands on her hips to see if he was there.

This was her that morning singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town. She's getting better it used to be " you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch out, tell me why"


Lisa said...

She is SOOOO cute!!!!!

Erin said...

I love the hiccups! They are a great addition to the song.

Erickson Family said...

yeah I thought so too. She had them all day.