
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fun in St. George

Our 4th of July weekend was a lot of fun. We started by going down to the Wager's house (Allan's sister and family) Friday night. We woke up early got the kids in their fun red white and blue outfits and then went to go watch hot air balloons take off. Unfortunately the wind was not cooperating and they didn't get to inflate all the way or take off. From what we got to see it would be really neat to watch, maybe next year. Allie decided that she didn't like the fire they used she said it was too noisy.

Then we went back to their house had a yummy breakfast then continued on to St. George. Allan's parents had given all of us our own rooms at the holiday inn for our Christmas present. So we went with his parents, and his two sisters families. Greg's in Florida working so he couldn't go and Jared's at the air force academy so we missed them. Allie couldn't wait to go swimming, she's been waiting for that part of the trip for weeks. So that's what we did when we first got there. She loved swimming with Allan and jumping off the edge. Scary thing is that she still has no fear of the water. I would let her go and she'd go under water then have to pull her up and she'd still be smiling telling me she could do it herself. We first tried a swim vest but that just made her roll all around and she didn't like it then we found some arm floaties that someone had left there and she loved them. Now having worked at a swimming pool when I was younger I swore I would never use those, but it helped her stay on top of the water and she could kick all around the pool. I guess they are okay if you are right there with the child in case they pop off. I had told Allie to wait until someone could help her in the pool after we put them on and the next thing I new she was walking off the edge without anyone there. Again, no fear at all. We really need to put her in swim lessons and maybe they can teach her to stay on top of the water. After swimming we went to go see Toy Story 3. Allie liked it for the most part but thought some parts were scary and of course I got teary eyed there at the end but I held my composure and didn't loose it. We also got to watch some fireworks. Allie liked them but then pretended she didn't because they were loud.
We found a cute park that had water and fountains for the kids to play in. I thought Allie might get a little wet but she ended up laying down in the little stream and got completely soaked. I think she was pretending to be the Little Mermaid. It's okay though it was 105 degrees outside so she started drying quickly (until we got back to the hotel room which was like an ice box. Allan liked it cold because the air conditioning was free). We played some pool, fooseball, and ping pong and just hung out and had a great time with family. Hopefully we can do it again sometime.

1 comment:

Izzy's Mommy said...

That sounds like so much fun! Glad you had a good weekend!