
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Allie: You guys can be the judgers and I'll be the cook (stir, stir, stir) Ta da
Me: The judgers?
Allie: Ya like on Chopped.
Me: Chopped?
Allie: When the people make dinner they see the judges and one gets chopped. When the judges are done eating their dinner they get some fresh lunch and they go home that's when they get chopped.

Apparently Allie likes watching this show with Grandma. So last night there was some left over pesto and it became a masterpiece. Doesn't it look so appetizing now? It looked much better on the pasta but tasted really good with the crackers.

My little chef also loves to bake cookies. Uncle Greggy has made cookies with her almost every weekend so when she kept asking if we could make them and with me saying in a minute she came and got me to say she had everything ready. This is what I found.

Not bad since the only thing she was missing was the Oatmeal that was in a cupboard she couldn't reach and we also got fresh butter out of the fridge. She even got the spoon out for measuring and the knife to smooth out the flour when you measure it. Maybe I should just start letting her make dinner. Okay maybe not today but someday.


i kiss better than i cook said...

how precious!! she's a little chef in the making.. i hope she doesn't grow out of cooking before it comes in handy for you =)

Lisa said...

That's amazing! And SO cute! She is one smart cookie!