(there's a part two to this video but for some reason it won't load)
Then on Christmas Eve Day we went to the Scarlet Party (Allan's Mom's Family) where we had yummy food and played pass the parcel. It was a candy bar wrapped with a ton of layers of newspaper and gift wrap. As music plays, you pass the present and when the music stops you unwrap a layer. Hidden between some of the layers were funny things people had to say, do or sing. It was fun seeing everyone and spending time family.
I don't have other pictures of the Christmas morning activities because our camera disappeared shortly after this picture and after all day of searching through bags of wrapping paper, couch cushions, all the different rooms (a little girl likes to hide things lately), the kitchen garbage and the garbage can outside we thought it was lost but Allan's sister Ann stuck her hand down in the side of the couch and it was there. (I swear we checked there twice before but thanks Ann you saved the day).
Galen and Amanda drove up Christmas day, okay well christmas eve and Christmas morning. They drove through the night (they must still be young because I certainly couldn't drive all night anymore.) When they got here, Ann called down to Allie that she had a surprise her so she started to run up the stairs and stopped and looked at Amanda and Galen with a wait a minute look and then became very excited that they were her surprise. I wish I had the camera then to catch her expression. Galen crashed on the spare bed for a couple hours while Allie kept Amanda busy playing and watching movies so she didn't get to take a nap.
My parents and Travis came up Christmas Day but didn't get here until later so we waited to see them until the following day. I had made an appointment for Allie to get her pictures taken for her Birthday and my parents and amanda met us there. Allie was so excited to see them, okay so was I. She had her pictures taken (they came out pretty cute) and then we spent the rest of the day at Erin's house where we opened presents. My mom ended up getting really sick so she was quarantined to her room (her choice) and watched the video of the activities later.
Jason' family stayed at their house this year in California so we didn't get to see them (spring time so he says)anyways Jason had drawn my name for the sibling gift exchange and ended up making me cry with his gift. He gave me a picture of my horse Delight. Then I also got a gift from my parents that was a silver horse ornament with spots (almost just like Delight) and it was jumping over the moon. Delight was a horse that I had shown and I had her for about 17 years. She had to be put down in November because she was very old and her body was not holding up and was causing her a lot of pain. She was the best horse ever. We called her the babysitter because she was so good with little kids she's probably the one who taught me to ride the most because just when I'd think oh look at me this is easy she'd throw in a little surprise and catch me off guard. Allie had the chance to ride her a few times around the barn and loved it. Maybe someday we'll be able to get her a pony it'll be hard though because I'd want it to be like Delight and I'm not sure that's possible. So anyways those gifts meant a lot thank you Jason, Mom and Dad.
Anyways sorry for the side track story.
Here are some pictures of the fun we had at Erin's.
Jahnna concentrating very hard on play doh question marks that were supposed to be money.
This post is getting way to long so I'll start another maybe tomorrow.
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